
  • Provided six free, diverse programs to the membership and to the public.
  • Provided six Civic- Minded Breakfasts for the non-profit community in the greater Harrisburg area.
  • Maintained Overlook, our historic building and gardens and made it available to the community as a meeting place.
  • Increased our partnerships with other non-profit organizations to 45.
  • Co-sponsored the Symposium for Girls hosted by the Junior Achievement of South Central PA.
  • Served dinner at the YWCA on two occasions to 20+ residents.
  • Hosted the Empower Hour Girls Pajama Jam who made 25 fleece blankets for the Harrisburg Bethesda Mission.
  • Collected food items for the Ecumenical Food Pantry at the holiday.
  • Supported the Junior League “Kids in the Kitchen” project by providing monetary gifts for care packages.
  • Transmitted our monthly program to Homeland residents.
  • Maintained the site of the Genevieve Blatt historic marker at the Kunkel Plaza.
  • Sponsored a trip to the Philadelphia Flower Show.
  • Rejoiced with the Camp Curtin Memorial Mitchell UMC choir during our Holiday Brunch.
  • Represented The Civic Club of Harrisburg on several initiatives in the City of Harrisburg, such as City Beautiful 2.0 and the Harrisburg Parks Foundation.
  • Hired both an Events Consultant and a Bookkeeper Consultant.
  • Added a Historic Preservation consultant to the Board.
  • Purchased tables and chairs through the generosity of a benefactor.
  • Improved our governance through convergence of the by-laws and the constitution.
  • Honored a number of our members for outstanding achievement and commitment to TCCH.
  • Showed appreciation for our preservation fund donors at the Third Annual Gala.
  • Grew our membership by 26%.
  • Completed a Spring and Fall spruce-up at Overlook in partnership with Messiah College students who volunteered for the National Day of Service