General Information

Club House

The clubhouse was willed to the Civic Club in 1914 by the owner, Virginia Hammond Fleming. Its age demands much care from the House and Grounds Committee as well as funds from the Civic Club and the Civic Club Affiliates.

Membership Application 

Prospective members must be recommended to the Civic Club by one member and accepted by the Executive Board. Completed applications should be sent to the Membership Secretary, after which the applicant’s credentials will be presented to the Board. An applicant will be notified of the decision of the Executive Board by mail. Application forms are available from the Membership Secretary or at Civic Club meetings.

Membership Dues

Dues are reviewed annually by the Finance and Membership Committees and any recommended changes are presented to the Executive Board. If approved,  a new dues schedule for the following year will be included in a newsletter.  Membership classifications currently are: Active, Sustaining, Honorary and Distinguished. Individuals who have been members for thirty-five years or longer may become Honorary and are no longer required to pay dues. Distinguished are identified as state elected women in the Harrisburg area.  New categories, introduced in 2011 include: Non-Profit Partners,  Corporate/Foundation Partners and Corporate/Foundation Sponsors. 

Change of Address

The Membership Secretary should be notified of any change in name, address,  telephone numbers and/or email address.


A non-member or a prospective member may be a guest at one meeting at a member’s expense. 


A newsletter distributed by either electronic or surface mail will keep members informed of Civic Club news not included in the Yearbook.

Inclinator Chair Lift

A chair lift is located off the front hall stairs for those needing an assist to the second floor.


Reservations for meals to be served at regular meetings of the Civic Club must be made by 12:00 noon on the previous Thursday. Permanent reservations are acceptable. Cost of the meal is $15.00. Payment should be made on the DAY OF THE MEETING. A member must pay for reservations NOT canceled prior to the reservations deadline; such payment should be made to the Treasurer. Please call club house phone: 717-234-6736 and go to line #2 (RSVP) or call Kathy Gates at 730-9326 for regular meeting lunch reservations. Reservations and payments for special events should be made to the individual in charge of the specific event as indicated on the event announcement.

New Member Orientation

Twice a year the Affiliates host evening reception for new members of both organizations.

Annual Meeting and Luncheon

The Annul Meeting is held on the first Monday in April with a two-fold purpose: to elect officers for the coming term of office and to make any needed changes in the Constitution or Bylaws of the Civic Club.

Special Event Days

Held every May, this special day brings the club year to a close. Other special events may be announced each year and include the bi-monthly Non-Profit Partners Breakfast.